Do you have any questions, suggestions or would you like to get in touch with us?
Just write to us what moves you:
Do you have any questions, suggestions or would you like to get in touch with us?
Just write to us what moves you:
We are non-denominational and would be happy if you would also be a part of us; Jesus needs each of His members right now:
Simplyregister, read Jesus' supplementary and encouraging message for this time*, exchange it with other brothers and sisters and get to know each other. Pray together, strengthen and support each other.
* Jesus' word is a word of hope, a word of warning, a word of encouragement - a word of love! It is addressed to those places who believe in Jesus as the Son of God (all believers) as well as to those over whom He is already called Lord and who therefore want to do God's will before their own (all Christians and churches/communities as well as Christian organizations, associations, companies, schools/nurseries, projects etc.). Despite the wonderful news, it is also a great challenge for many, because it is not light fare, but spiritually demanding, and thus the way of the world, in relation to Corona, gives a clear rejection; even urgently warns against going along with it. Because the vaccination way is inevitably connected with the 2G/1G question and this is not the will of God! Because God meets every person in love and therefore His house should and must remain a house of prayer for every person (Mark 11:17). Because just in the need, everyone should be able to come to God. That is why the name Jesus translated means nothing less than "God saves". That is His name: Jesus = God saves! And this light of love should also be carried by us into the world, as an example and signpost for the children of the world; for God's glory and for the blessing of many! Jesus' message can therefore not be given to every visitor, in this direct and deep form. On this page (Home), however, the content can also be found in explanatory, detailed, loving, encouraging and warning words. So that God's word not only everyone can read and understand but also one experiences encouragement or where necessary the call to conversion receives. But Jesus' message, in its exact wording and scope, reaches even deeper. It is a detailed supplement to God's Word, which can be read above this page (Home) and which is also known as the First of the Three Angels' Messages. His complementary word directly refers to many biblical themes connected with Corona and also confirms a mystery of faith that Paul already taught. For this glorious promise is also being fulfilled in our time. In the members area everybody can read this prophetic message as well as the biblical interpretation and underlining of the prophecy. There is also a graphic about the entire end time or time of judgment, which was compiled in addition to this - guided by the Spirit of God. In it the key points from the message, and many other points from other times, are arranged in the respective three time periods. The result is a graphic overview of the entire judgment period and its key points. The goal was to create a clearer picture and better understanding of this time; the time in which we live. For this reason, Jesus' complementary word, in this direct, deep and extensive form, remains reserved for His church and is therefore assigned to the members' area (simply register for free, read everything yourself and learn more).
Because our glorious King is now coming back and thus the time of grace for this world ends - get ready!
Every 3. Sunday afterwards leadership meeting: For all members who have a leadership position in their professional life.
* The focus is on the seals and topics of this time and everything that is on your heart in this regard. This of course includes Corona, because it is still God's top priority, as well as everything related to it. There is also room for questions.
We warmly invite you to this!
Every Sunday (8 p.m.)*
Preparing the way for God's word and empowering the church in this time
Worum geht es in dieser Zeit
und weshalb gibt es uns?
So listen to God's word
Fear God, give Him the honor He deserves, and worship Him who made the heavens, the earth, the sea, and the springs of water; for the time of His judgment has come!
You saints, my brothers and sisters and friends of God! Now more than ever, God is testing every place that declares that Jesus is Lord (God) there. That means the churches/communities in particular, but also every other place that is assigned to us Christians. God is testing us saints at this time! He is testing what we believe and whether He is really the Lord with us and whether His name is sanctified and His word is kept; because God is holy, holy, holy! But unfortunately we often live it quite differently and this can also have the background that Jesus is not yet Lord in our lives or that we have not yet fully accepted His sacrifice for us. But everyone has to proof that for themselves. The coronavirus period so far has brought a lot to light, but the big reversal has yet to happen. The Corona period has already brought a lot to light, but the great repentance has yet to come. But now His child – His perfect bride – is to be born. That is why He is now testing, purifying, awakening and gathering His church - the saints - from all denominations worldwide! And so that everyone can see that this really is the (perfect) bride of Jesus, she should also behave accordingly and be a light in the world, especially in these dark times! For Jesus' bride should be glorious in every respect; after all, she is the bride of God's Son and He was and is the light of the world! (Cf. Ephesians 5:27) "Do you then, foolish man, realize that faith without works is useless?" James taught and continued: "For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also." (James 2, 20+26) Righteousness before God comes from faith alone, otherwise it would be works righteousness again. But the works of faith, and therefore the works of love, should also come from our faith. And this is how God intended it, or how else could our faith become a blessing for others? Jesus' sacrifice has made it possible, the Spirit of God has begotten His church/community and now His perfect bride is being born; and then a wedding will be celebrated in heaven – Hallelujah, what great and glorious things God still has planned for His people! Yes, His works are great and wonderful and nothing is too difficult for Him!
We want to meet against this heavenly backdrop. Pray together for a great repentance in the churches and to strengthen the church in this important, holy time. For it is only because Jesus' second coming is very near that we are now in the time that the Bible knows as the time of God's judgment. Not only to judge His church but also as a prelude (countdown) and warning for the children and places of the world that will be judged after Jesus' third and final coming. For look what they do and yet do not want to turn back to God. But God wants to give everyone the opportunity to repent and turn back until the very last moment. But after that, He will judge the living and the dead. He will reward His children and deal with the others as we would deal with criminals. And because we are worshippers first – every Christian – we pray for the church and the people. So that many may be well forever. Prayer is the core discipline of the church. We worship God and that is why we also pray to God and carry the good news of God's work of grace and offer of salvation to the world into the world. For we are His living temple and in a temple God is honored and worshipped. Worship is the highest worship and creating a place where God can be worshiped is the reason for a temple. But since we are also one body, a great temple made up of many members and smaller living temples ;as well as other places in the world where the saints meet to worship God, celebrate God or teach and do His Word, we also want to network accordingly. And especially at this time, this is very wise. Because together we can bring a much more powerful light into society, learn from each other and encourage one another, and show the hardships of this time the red card more powerfully than if everyone stood alone and had to face the trials and tribulations alone. Together we can achieve much more and right now we need many people to shine powerfully. Like a lighthouse that can only safely show the way through its strong light. Because God wants this time to be a great moment for His church, which should shine brightly like a star in the night and bring light into the darkness. So that many are encouraged to invite God (fully) into their lives. Especially when they see how glorious He is in His people.
Welcome to Christians in Love, let's tackle it together and be Light; now!
Therefore God is now preparing His house. Because His judging also means setting up; a chick make the bride. A call to repentance and conversion where necessary. And because God is righteous, He begins with His house; just like He always said. And this need for repentance and conversion is brought home to us now more than ever. Because unfortunately there are a few things that are not yet in order in His house and are anything but holy/chic. As we see from numerous scandals and will continue to see from the seals and have even already seen; just at the first. Because it's always about one thing: Do I love God with all my heart, with all my soul and with all my strength and have I already recognized that He loves me, and all other people, too, and do I live it that way too? That's why it's now even more important that we, especially in the churches/communities, do everything we can to sanctify His name and therefore of course also keep His word and do His works. Because many are still on the way – especially in the churches/communities – and they too should invite God fully into their lives; because He is God! But how can they do that when His house in many places looks more like a den of thieves than a holy temple and place of the saints – place of the heavenly ones?
In order to fulfill this order (Matt 28:19) it is crucial now more than ever that we stand together as one body, as Paul taught (1Cor 12:26) and to know as much as possible about this time in order to be able to encourage even more believers to fulfill God's will and follow this path – because it is Jesus' way and we are preparing His way. That's why we want to use all the help that He has given us for this time; a blessing to us. This network is also intended to serve that purpose. Because it is God's network – to his glory and to the blessing of many!
We have to look at this wonderful truth: that God is love from every side and holistically. Then we can also understand it. And that is the reason why the children of the world unfortunately cannot (yet) follow this path. Even if they think they are acting in love with 1G/2G, they are like blind men wanting to lead the blind; at best they are one-eyed. But we must be able to see clearly with both eyes. Jesus reminded us that there are two greatest commandments. And also that the first thing is: to love God with all our heart, yes with all our strength, with all our soul we should love God. And asked us to become like that. Only then can we live and accordingly fulfill the other, the second highest commandment, the equally important charity.
But how could the children of the world fulfill the first commandment in order to both live properly? It is not possible. Because they reject the one who also died painfully on the cross for them in order to obtain their forgiveness and bring them back to peace with God. They reject the Son of God and as if that wasn't bad enough, they also declare God to be a liar. Because God (Father) Himself has testified that Jesus is His Son - the Messiah ;and God always speaks the truth. But if we don't believe him, we declare him a liar. If you believe that this is not the truth and if you believe that it is true then why don't you follow Him? So you don't think it's the truth or don't want it to be true; because of hurt pride and/or because you would rather carry on like this. But how then could the children of the world fulfill the first commandment; if they reject God's Son - His sacrifice for the world - and trample on God's will? Does this honor God and make your love for Him clear? Is God's name sanctified by them?
What do many people do instead? They declare charity to be their first commandment and try to fulfill it as best as possible without God; inadequate. Jesus taught that without Him we can do nothing and we see that in 1G/2G. It's not that they don't do anything, but what they do isn't love. Or is it love when we exclude people from society, even from churches/communities, and demand that they put themselves in danger in the hope that things will continue to go well for us? If we consider this to be love, we too have become like one-eyed people and look at this challenge with the eyes of the world but not with the eyes of God; with eyes of love.
When we make charity our first commandment, we not only change the order but also the ranking and place people above God; yes, make the creature higher than the Creator. Unfortunately, many people don't care because they don't believe in God or know Him anyway. They think of themselves first. Because they are still lost, wandering souls who, at best, are looking for God, or perhaps already believe in Jesus, but have not yet given their hearts to Him and subordinated their lives to Him. But we know Him, have accepted forgiveness, and want to serve Him more and more. We have given our lives to Jesus and have put on Him that we may be born again of God. Because how could we not accept this gift and want to remain that way, after the Spirit of God has shown us that without Jesus' sacrifice we are sinners before God and without Him we are separated from God and would remain separated because God is not wants to live with sinners; because He is holy. But God wants to save everyone and restore everything; also our relationship with Him, because that is the foundation, and that is the only reason why Jesus died for us and His Father/God(Father) and rose again on the third day: out of love. So that God (Son) can live in us and all these wonderful things can happen in our lives. And that's why we say to everyone with conviction: Don't be afraid, but trust in God! Because we know Him and know that He is love. Because He saved us and now lives in us - and we in Him.Because otherwise everything will be turned upside down and it should be clear who is happy about it; It is not God. And that's what the children of the world do because they can't do it any other way. But can't we do it any other way? If God's children can't do it, who can? No one.
So this time is neither about Corona nor about the vaccination, but about God's commandments being broken and God's word being turned upside down. This is what happens with 1G/2G!
And that's why it's so important right now that we, who can see clearly with both eyes, take the right path and set an example for what God is happy about.We have the task of taking a different path, the right one - the path of love - and living it out. So that many can walk it. Because we are God's children!
But it is also very important to understand that we are not against vaccination, but we cannot or should not ask anyone to get vaccinated; because this path is associated with great physical and spiritual dangers. If we were to do that, we would not only be pushing forward 1G/2G ourselves, but would also be endangering those people who (also) want to be vaccinated because of us. So that, for example, you can continue to attend church services or take part in Christian events etc. and/or have unrestricted contact with us.
But as everyone knows, this has unfortunately happened thousands of times around the world. In Germany too, during the Corona period so far, many have behaved like children of the world and not like children of God, even communities that rightly claim to be a house of God (!).
However, putting someone in danger is not an act of love; saving someone from danger is an act of love; so the opposite. Serving God means exactly that and that is what worship means.
So how could we exclude people or put people in danger? Understand it, with God there is no danger but salvation from danger; With God is salvation! That is even His holy name. Because the name Jesus means: Yahweh (God) is salvation. That's why it is impossible for us to turn people away or put them in danger. And if we do, do we behave like Jesus? He doesn't like anyone excluded from society, He went to the lepers to cleanse them too and make them part of society again; so the opposite. And that is why He has commanded His Church/His disciples no less. For with and through Jesus the kingdom of heaven came to men (Matthew 10:8). Therefore we should also go to all people and make disciples of them; that is the baptismal command. For didn't Jesus die out of deepest love, even for His enemies, just to save them? Can you show someone more love than is contained in this work of God? Jesus Himself said that this is not possible and is He not our example, our teacher, even our Lord and friend - is He not God? Isn't He the master of every Christian and every church, Christian organization, etc.? How could we, who are His servants, behave completely differently? Are we not all members of His holy body? But Jesus doesn't act like that. Does the foot want to tell the mind where it should go? Doesn't the spirit tell the foot where it wants to go and the foot obeys and the body goes? So do we, dear brothers and sisters. For we are many members but one body and we are Jesus' body - to worship God and honor Him (Isaiah 43:6-7 and Psalm 86:9)!So let us not look at this time with fear or worry. Let us not look at the earth but lift up our heads and look with joy to heaven and to our God. Let's give all our worries to Jesus because He will take more than good care of them. He is the Good Shepherd and loves us so much that He even suffered unimaginable torments on the cross for us so that we could prosper for eternity. Or do we no longer believe that? Then we would probably be the saddest creatures in the entire universe. If we had lost the greatest hope ever given to man.
So let us arise and trust in our God!
For this is what the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob says to every believer and to every person:
Be in awe of Me, show Me the honor which is mine, and worship him who has the heaven, the earth, the sea and themade water sources; for the time of My judgment has come!
Anyone who does not turn to God in their hearts during this time will be too late. Because time is running out now! But Jesus died painfully on the cross for every person in order to be able to save everyone. But if over 2,000 years weren't enough, another 2,000 years wouldn't be enough either, but it would cause a lot more suffering; because we are not in love with God and want to do His will but always seek our own first.
This is the time of the children of God and the churches/communities and the places where they work!
Let us worship the One who made the heavens, the earth, the sea, and the springs of water! During this time, let us lead many to faith in this glorious God! Yes, we will be stars in the night, testifying to God through our light and showing the way to many. Who invite into their house and do not turn away; out of fear or worry. Because our house is built on rock and should withstand all storms.
But we also have to live this path. Only in this way can we, our churches/communities, organizations, companies, events and projects etc. once again become a blessing for many - and that is God's will! Because Israel is God's witness to the whole world (Isaiah 43:8-13 + 44.1-5). Through Israel, God wants to bless all peoples and through Israel everyone should recognize and honor God.
We want to encourage this and think together about how we can best achieve this and support each other during this important time. This time offers great opportunities, not only for the churches/communities etc. but for the whole world .
Let us shine powerfully together and carry a mighty fire into the darkness. Yes, to be the salt of the earth as Jesus told us to be.
For we are His body, we are one body.
We are Christians in love; because God is love!
"But some doubted...Jesus came to them and said, 'All power has been given to me in heaven and on earth.'Therefore go and teach all nations...and teach them to observe all that I have commanded you have."
– Matthew 28:17-20
We are living in a very important time, perhaps the most important since the founding of the church, and that is why we have been experiencing such troubled times since Corona. What times are we living in and is there a great danger for the world?
Is there a great danger to the world?
Yes, there is a great danger for the world but it is not Corona, nor the Russia/Ukraine war, nor the increased energy and living costs etc. or the Corona vaccination, but it is what 1G/2G does: that God's commandments can no longer be lived and God's word is turned upside down!
So it is related to Corona but is not Corona. God is always concerned with His commandments because they guarantee perfect coexistence and first of all with God himself. That's why this is the first commandment. Because God wants to live with us in absolute harmony. But He not only wants us to love Him, but of course also that we can live together in love with every person; yes, He wants nothing less than for us to be in love with every person - and we can only do that through Him. But His commandments are much more than that. They also remind us of what God's holy will is and who God is!
That's why we break God's commandments with 1G/2G
Because God's commandments are commandments of love. Because the glorious truth about God is: that He is love! But with 1G/2G we no longer act in love. On the contrary, we break His commandments on a large scale, yes, we also contribute to the fact that they are broken more and more worldwide and that many people are excluded from society and the churches/communities etc. But with this we testify of the world and not of God. For God is love and He invites everyone into His house (Mark 11:17) — To God's glory and to many people's blessings!
"Many will be offended by this, betraying one another and hating one another. And many false prophets will appear and will deceive many. And because lawlessness will prevail, the love of many will grow cold." (Mt 24:10-12) When we move away from the fire we are colder than when we are very close to the fire; as if we are very close to love, as if we are very close to God. And if we do not love God (first commandment), our hearts will grow cold and through 1G/2G it will "only" become visible - high time to turn back !
Corona is not over, it is just beginning - but don't be afraid
Many people think that Corona is almost over or has now become established and is therefore no longer anything out of the ordinary. But be warned, the opposite is true; it's just beginning! "For the revelation waits for the appointed time, and yet it hastens to the end and will not deceive. If it is delayed, wait for it, for it will surely come and will not fail." (Have 2.3) That's why it's so important now that we understand and live this time correctly and clearly reject the 1G/2G (commandments of the world); as soon as they are back on the world's agenda and we want to be convinced again to follow their path. Please don't be afraid. For God's will is not for His children to fall but to bring them to glory. So let us also, more than ever, give glory to God and worship Him; let us trust completely in God! Let's give our fears and worries to Jesus, He will take more than good care of them. Because He loves us more than anything - let us believe it!
"I have spoken these things to you, so that in me you may have peace. In the world you are afraid; but be of good courage; I have overcome the world."— and did it for all who want to become children of God. So why are you still afraid children? Or have you not become my children? You are reconciled to God; God is with you! Did I not give myself up for you out of pure love? Are you still so ignorant and of little faith? (John 16:33 and my additional impression of the verse at this moment)
This is the time of judgment (not to be confused with the great tribulation, which is only a part of it)
It is the time of the great reversal! That is why God's commandments are also under strong attack. Jesus expects His disciples to keep and uphold His commandments! For many will come to know through us how glorious God is. In which He shows it to us, and through us, and many come to us to also become His children. But Jesus doesn't want members, but rather hearts and therefore true (fellow) members of His body - His church! - and never wanted anything else.
The whole law is fulfilled when we keep the two greatest commandments! This is how Jesus taught it and supplemented it with a third, from which everyone can recognize that disciples of Jesus truly live here.
That's why we break God's commandments with 1G/2G
Because God's commandments are commandments of love. Because the glorious truth about God is: that He is love! But with 1G/2G we no longer act in love. On the contrary, we break His commandments on a large scale, yes, we also contribute to the fact that they are broken more and more worldwide and that many people are excluded from society and the churches/communities etc. But with this we testify of the world and not of God. For God is love and He invites everyone into His house (Mark 11:17) — To God's glory and to many people's blessings!
"Many will be offended by this, betraying one another and hating one another. And many false prophets will appear and will deceive many. And because lawlessness will prevail, the love of many will grow cold." (Mt 24:10-12) When we move away from the fire we are colder than when we are very close to the fire; as if we are very close to love, as if we are very close to God. And if we do not love God (first commandment), our hearts will grow cold and through 1G/2G it will "only" become visible - high time to turn back !
In the Corona period so far, there have been far too many who have not served God but have broken God's commandments and who also felt that this was so right that they not only supported this way of the world but also demanded that others follow it go. But there were also many who did not break God's commandments, but should this really be credited to them? Should they be praised for doing what should be a given. Should one say "well done" or even rejoice that they had not broken the commandments? No, we can't praise them for that, but of course we can credit them with it and encourage them to take this path even more. So that next time they not only meet the minimum, the minimum, are a little light but a real beacon. Because unfortunately there were far too few who were a light in these dark times, a role model for other believers, a lighthouse that shows many the way to God and serves to honor Him. Who testifies of God, just as Jesus taught, commanded and always lived it himself. But in far too many places His people seemed like a small, scattered flock, as if they had no shepherd, let alone one who was also God and interceded for them. She seemed more like she was on her own and therefore didn't act much differently than the world; which God does not know. It was a flock of little faith and in many places even unbelievers.
But these days are about the great conversion, the great conversion to God. But don't think that this only means the world. No, God always cares about His people first. Anything else would be unfair. Because the children of the world are not yet interested in God's will and therefore they would not be able to understand if they were now required to keep God's commandments. But His people should not only be interested in it but should long for it with all their hearts and live it as an example to the world - to their blessing - and of course to God's glory. It was and is not about the conversion of the world but about the conversion of those who say that Jesus is their Lord. It's about the great conversion in the churches/communities and those places where Jesus is called Lord. Because where He is called Lord, His will should of course be done, His kingdom should be visible and His name should be hallowed. The heavenly places should also be heavenly places and where God lives, that is where heaven has come to earth and these are also the churches/communities. And when this happens, it also serves as a witness and salvation for all others who cannot yet confess Jesus as Lord. Because since Corona we have been living in the time of judgment and God is now judging His house(s). He shakes it by showing us what He no longer wants to see in His house and calls believers everywhere to repent. For He is the vinedresser and we are the branches and all the branches that do not bear fruit are cut back so that there is more room for those that do bear fruit. It is a test of our faith and the judgment of His house, over which Jesus is called Lord, and which is so often only a shell of faith. And no matter how often we think about this facade, the word love write but no longer live it, it is still His house but no longer serves to honor God. Which is why it is all the worse that this is called His house, because it all falls back on God and, on the contrary, serves to dishonor Him. How could God not judge this and urge people to repent with all his might? Unfortunately, things usually have to get worse before they can get better and get better. And it has become very clear how necessary this reversal is. Especially since in this period of time, the time of judgment, there will actually only be two churches left: The Whore of Babylon and the Church of Philadelphia (Revelation 3:10), as well as those who belong to Philadelphia, even if they are not aware of it and are not yet an official part of it. Because this is also a spiritual question. But there will only be the true body of Jesus, in the form of the Philadelphia type church, and the false body, the church of Satan; the wolf in sheep's clothing or the prophet who has two horns like a lamb and speaks like a dragon. And the frightening thing is that what we have seen in many places, including in the communities, during the Corona period so far was like a wolf in sheep's clothing. But the whore of Babylon is the place and the great gathering of those who do not want to let go of the world, who do not want to overcome the world. But the body of Jesus is the overcoming of everything worldly; through faith. Because he is our victory, in every way. And that's why communities in particular have to set an example. These must remain places where heaven has come to earth. Yes, places where God lives and lives. A place to stand in reverence before God and give Him all the glory; a place to worship God – God’s home!
Because Jesus' church is much more than a hospital. It is the place where sick people should become healthy in every respect and, above all, not sicker. That's why the spirit and its healing always come first, but of course our heavenly Father also takes care of our physical well-being. Because this is important and good for us, it is also important to God. And we would also be hypocrites if we said that it wasn't that important, but as soon as we feel physically bad or it could even be that way - see the Corona period so far - we are immediately very worried, afraid and even Panicking and complaining, even sacrificing God's holy commandments and nothing less than God's holy name for our physical well-being; because our health comes first. This shows us very clearly how important our physical well-being is to us and that it is important to us is completely okay. God wouldn't think it's right if we didn't care. And if someone gets well because of prayer or speaking/laying on of hands, this is, in the truest sense of the word, a wonderful sign from God (John 9:3 +10.38 as well as Mark 16:20 andActs 5:12-16). God always shows us how important we are to Him and how much He loves us, even what His holy name means: salvation. And when He heals us, we see that His name truly means salvation and that He wants to and can pull us out of every danger, just as David sang about it again and again in many psalms and God made known and taught through Him; because God is love and His name therefore carries exactly this (salvation) within it. But it's not just us who see it, but also those who can't believe it yet.And if we are also proven in this, then it is all the easier for us to testify of God, even in great distress, and to be even better at supporting others in their difficult times. Be it through encouraging words or a prayer, an encouragement/laying on of hands for healing or simply a hug because the person is currently very afraid. Paul also recognized how important it is to continually report on God's supernatural intervention and thus encourage the communities. So that it would be easier for them to trust God completely, especially in difficult times. So he taught how important this is and how much God is happy about it and of course this trust does not disappoint if you do what corresponds to God's teaching and do not test Him with it. Just as the other apostles taught, Peter in particular found very clear words for it and associated with it a great mystery of faith(1 Peter 1:6-7).
And if everyone knew this so clearly - and how much I wish this and how much I pray for it - then where were they all when the Corona numbers were high and the world was about to go crazy? Why were many churches/communities, Christian organizations etc. at that time only a shadow of the world but no light for the world, unfortunately not for other believers either, and lived this accordingly, even having their doors in some places completely closed? Where was the trust in God? Yes, God probably wants us to close the doors, it comes from the state and we have to obey the state because it too is a servant of God. We have to practice humility now... such nonsense. And the corona vaccination doesn't come from heaven either. Don't you see that it leads to exclusion from society, even from churches/communities, and creates separation instead of connection? Is that God's will? The world can't do it differently, we have to understand and even accept that, but we should be able to do it differently and therefore live it differently. For God sent faith from heaven so that every division may be overcome and we may bring many to God; through love. So that we may be built on the rock, able to withstand all storms, knowing that God loves us and believing that when we need help, He will intervene; to the world as a witness! Because how else could the world learn? This is what God wants and what He wants to do through His people. But we have to believe it too! For this reason He checks our faith (if necessary and unfortunately for most people it is necessary) whether it is genuine."For he is more valuable than gold that perishes, which is purified by fire." (1 Peter 1:6-7)
If you would like, a little help on the often misunderstood topic of “believing correctly”.
Otherwise, just skip it (until the next bold text) but maybe it will also be a good help for you. Because that's how God explained it to me, step by step.
Because I experience again and again, and perhaps you too, that many leaders are not yet able to live the way God has taught. They misclassify grace - which undoubtedly remains and must remain the most important thing. They subordinate everything to her. On the one hand, this is true, but it can also be misleading. Because it is also the foundation. And you build on a foundation. And faith is built on this foundation. But faith also means that every Jesus sheep can come before God at any time blameless, holy and completely without guilt and can expect everything that is good for you from God, as the Bible teaches; yes, even expected. For why should God not want to do it and not fulfill what was asked? There is no reason for this anymore. Jesus took care of it completely at that time and cried out with great pain: “It is finished!”.
Or they try to divine God's will. This can also lead astray. If God tells someone His will, it is good and of course right to follow it, but otherwise we have to follow His written word and of course check everything against it. And it says very clearly what God wants and why Jesus himself always taught and did/lived. If we try to guess His will through any philosophical explanations, this can also lead us very much astray. Because we are not omniscient and only know God's will to the extent that He communicates it to us. Just believe "What Jesus himself taught and did and follows His glorious example, as well as that of the apostles, and trusts in your glorious God that He will also do what is asked; because it corresponds to His teaching. But don't fall out of grace (spiritually, don't despise grace) if the prayer doesn't come true right away. This is another mistake that many make. Don't fall out of grace by becoming at odds with God, but then exercise patience and pray if you have the impression that you are at odds with God you came. Because grace should always remain the most important and most beautiful gift from God. She must always come first.
But if the prayer has not yet been fulfilled, it may also be the case that you have not yet accepted God's gift with open arms, for example a healing, because you are still too much in the "mercy mindset" or even "sinner mindset." " or in any explanations as to why what was requested might not happen, and that keeps you from this belief (no ifs and buts). In that case, pray that you can accept His gift. Because no matter what the reason is why something could not happen, it is an obstacle to believing in the fulfillment as God has taught. But of course it is also possible that God will only fulfill the prayer later , or not at all or simply completely different than requested, but with the same effect or even better. But that shouldn't interest us for now, because it would stand in the way of our absolute faith, especially since it also depends very much on what was asked of God.
Either way, "just" believe what is written in the Bible and what Jesus himself taught and exemplified countless times. First of all, stay on the ball, and always with the joy that God will do it, and give don't open too quickly. And always be completely honest with yourself about whether you could be the obstacle. what you believe/suspect if what you requested has not yet arrived. But above all, stay at peace with yourself and of course with God; always remain in His grace and rejoice in it first. In all of this, there is a very simple rule of thumb that sums it all up wonderfully: Let God, Be God!
Because it's about trust. It's about trusting God. But Trust is hope, supported by faith; supported by God's love. However, believing and hoping is like day and night. Because hope always has its limits. This limit is where the world seems to contradict this hope because you cannot yet see what you are asking for or because everything seems to speak against it. But faith overcomes all limits because the only thing that matters is what you believe; regardless of reality, which may even contradict this belief. And in this spirit we must have faith, not just in hope but in trust, in unshakable trust in God that He will intervene and change the situation accordingly. As the Bible already taught in the Old Testament and repeat this teaching again Jesus was underlined and reinforced. Yes, Jesus even rebuked His disciples and told them that they had hard hearts because they did not trust in God but rather in their own actions. But God is love and therefore also loves her infinitely. No one knew this better than Jesus and so He taught it accordingly and emphasized it again for everyone to see on the cross. But it was often difficult for His disciples to believe that God loves them so much, perhaps because they were still too caught up in the way the world thinks.
Corona is not over, it is just beginning - but don't be afraid
Many people think that Corona is almost over or has now become established and is therefore no longer anything out of the ordinary. But be warned, the opposite is true; it's just beginning! "For the revelation waits for the appointed time, and yet it hastens to the end and will not deceive. If it is delayed, wait for it, for it will surely come and will not fail." (Have 2.3) That's why it's so important now that we understand and live this time correctly and clearly reject the 1G/2G (commandments of the world); as soon as they are back on the world's agenda and we want to be convinced again to follow their path. Please don't be afraid. For God's will is not for His children to fall but to bring them to glory. So let us also, more than ever, give glory to God and worship Him; let us trust completely in God! Let's give our fears and worries to Jesus, He will take more than good care of them. Because He loves us more than anything - let us believe it!
"I have spoken these things to you, so that in me you may have peace. In the world you are afraid; but be of good courage; I have overcome the world."— and did it for all who want to become children of God. So why are you still afraid children? Or have you not become my children? You are reconciled to God; God is with you! Did I not give myself up for you out of pure love? Are you still so ignorant and of little faith? (John 16:33 and my additional impression of the verse at this moment)
It's about us knowing God and, because we know Him, trusting Him and therefore being able to serve Him well even in difficult situations. That's why He came to us. So that we can know God in a way that no one has ever been able to before. For He wants to testify about Himself through His people. But what kind of testimony is this that when a wolf comes, all the sheep immediately run away and the shepherds run away in front? Well, then of course it's no wonder why the sheep run away. Because they follow their shepherd. But is that convincing or even encouraging for others? Yes, that's ok for a club. But for a people who claim God himself is with them? We're talking about God! What didn't the people of Israel do in the Old Testament, what battles did they win when they knew/believed that God was with them? That only changed when they no longer believed that or God turned away from them because they continually broke His commandments and didn't want to stop. But thank God we have our glorious Jesus for all of this, who has taken care of it once and for all. Therefore, in our case it is nothing less than the question of who do I trust more: the world and its analyses, assumptions and techniques (actions) or God, His Word/His teaching, and His witnesses (actions)?
Therefore, test whoever commits himself forever, it is said at the wedding and His church is also about to get married. But what kind of bad relationship is if you can't trust your partner? Would you want to marry such a partner? Therefore examine whoever binds himself forever? And God wants to connect with us forever if we also want to enter into a relationship with him and give him our hearts. But He not only wants us to submit to Him completely in love - because He is God - but He also wants us to trust Him completely. Because love without trust is not love. And not only can we trust God, but we should, and He continually calls on us to do so. And not only we should trust Him, but basically the whole world, how much more so His people, His children, who have been declared righteous before Him through His holy blood. For we are to have a glorious relationship with none other than God himself. Jesus is our husband and He tests those who want to unite with Him forever and this test serves to strengthen them so that this connection with Him is all the stronger, all the deeper, all the more fulfilling. For He is not only our Husband, He is also our King/Ruler, our Shepherd and Savior; yes, our God. How could we not trust Him? Let's pray for it!
And so the prophet Ezekiel warned the people of God back then:"You do not strengthen the weak, you do not heal the sick, you do not bind up the wounded, you do not bring back the lost, and you do not seek the lost; but you trample down the strong with violence." (Ezek 34:4)
But that has to change now and the circle of those who want to change that needs to get bigger. We want to work for this. So that the weak is strengthened again, the sick is healed, the wounded is bandaged, the lost is brought back and the lost is sought. The strong but remains humble and shines powerfully for everyone who is in the house and is encouraged to do this more and more. Just as it pleases God, because it brings glory to Him and His house should become a blessing to many. For God shall be honored, praised and praised by many mouths - yes, He shall be worshiped by all creation; because He is God!
So let us worship the King together, for He is coming back now and His reward with Him!
Many want to do God's will. But in the Corona period so far we have seen that there are too few Christians who are willing to make this a reality and set an example accordingly. Who encourage others and point to the sky. This circle must grow so that we can bless many people during this time. That is our goal and we want to remind everyone that this is our mission. For we were not sent to men from earth, but from heaven; directly from God and connected as one body. As God's holy church, as His holy people; as Jesus' body.
“Therefore go and teach all nations...and teach them to observe all that I have commanded you.”
– Matt 28:17-20
And after God gave me the message (at the beginning of the year 21) and explained it, it was immediately clear to me that I had to pass it on, especially to leaders. What Jesus later explicitly told me to do and which this network is intended to serve. So that the leaders in particular know what time they live in and so you live, and therefore what will happen to you. To make it easier for you to deal with these challenges and make the right decisions. And because you know best how to pass on Jesus' word to those you lead. Because as a leader, you are not only the role model and have the corresponding influence on your group, but you also know them best. You are the head that passes it on to the body and directs it accordingly; not only through what you teach but above all through what you yourself live and exemplify.
Maybe you're wondering why you should join this network or another network, even though you also have a church, maybe even lead it yourself. If you already know exactly when in the church We live and we also know exactly about this time - and the challenges of Corona, of course from a biblical and not a secular perspective, and what you will encounter in the near future - so that you are not in the dark and just guessing about it Yes, then you don't necessarily need to join this network. But perhaps you would like to support us and pull together with other communities etc. on this issue and support each other because we are one body and together we can send a much stronger light into the world This is such an important time for all believers and earthly people. And if your community doesn't know much about this yet, you might like to learn more about it so that you can bring this light into your community. The top priority for God is that you do not break His commandments (do not do 1G/2G) and therefore should not encourage this by supporting this path, but rather serve to honor Him and bless many. God wants to encourage you to fulfill more than the minimum of your faith, especially at this very important time. Because everything has already been done and the bill has been paid in full; we must never forget that. But many are still on the move - we must never forget that either.
Imagine if 70-80% of all communities/churches and other Christian places in your city trusted in God the way Jesus taught back then and also set an example; Be a strong light of hope in these dark times. For many people, wouldn't it be as if the Bible were coming to life, so to speak, right before their eyes, to an extent that one cannot even imagine today? And what would all that change? How many would turn to God against this superhuman background, begin to believe and repent. Yes, then it would be as if many were waking up from a deep sleep. But for this to happen, the communities must first wake up, which are apparently still sleeping themselves (as the previous Corona period has shown and God, through them, has mercilessly exposed their lack of faith). But many had to see that first so that they could now change accordingly. Because they are neither hot nor cold but only lukewarm and God now wants to change that with all his might. Because there is not much time left and Jesus died painfully on the cross for every person.
Because every believer who, in the time when 1G/2G is the order of the day, considers this to be right, and therefore finds it right to break God's commandments, and therefore does not want to subject Jesus to this very important part of his life - because you might not want to do without this or that - you can no longer completely subordinate your life to God. If you find it right to break God's commandments, even to break them on a grand scale, 24 hours a day/7 days a week/4 weeks a month/12 months a year, then how could you be God? Assume life? If you are a soldier and consider it right to kill people, you could not (yet) become a child of God. Then you're just not ready yet, or what did Zacchaeus do after Jesus visited him, or Matthew? However, you cannot repay human life, and especially not fourfold. To do this, you first have to be aware that Jesus also died for it, in order to want to regret and put this aside too. But if someone doesn't give their life to God can assume, how could he receive eternal life? And it is the same in the case of 1G/2G. In order to be able to submit one's life entirely to God in this advancing "Corona time", this also includes: being able to recognize 1G/2G as the wrong path in order to then want to leave it and of course to be able to do this through God. This is also why it is very important that the community sets an example accordingly - so that the person can then recognize it more easily - otherwise, as a "new" person, you would have to decide in faith against the community and possibly even the leadership. If you consider this wrong path to be right, but God tells you, or puts it clearly on your heart, that this path is wrong. But then it is not only more difficult to take this path, but it is also not the meaning of guidance is that you have to decide against it in order to be able to act correctly and live your life according to God's will. Then something is wrong with the line. And as an old saying goes: "The fish always stinks from the head."
This also shows us what diabolical things are happening here. Because Satan is trying to turn things upside down again. However, if someone first considers 1G/2G to be correct and is then informed by the community about this wrong path, and therefore wants to ask God to be able to leave this path so that God's will can happen in their life, everything is fine again he can also turn around on this very important point; because he wants this (and God accomplishes the ability and He has already died for any guilt). Because the fruits of 1G/2G are anything but a children's birthday party. That's why it is so important to God. After all, they not only divide society but also tear apart the community of believers, the community of churches/communities - yes, Jesus' entire living body - asunder. Satan wants to cause Jesus' body to tear out its own members. Otherwise, that only happens if you're crazy or in a horror film. But"God has joined the body together and given higher honor to the lesser member, so that there may be no division in the body, but that the members may care for one another in harmony. And when one member suffers, all the members suffer with it, and when one member is honored, they rejoice all the members join in." We are "the body of Christ and each individual is a member." (1Cor 12:24-27)
Much of the discussion reminds us of Jesus' trial in the desert. There too, Satan even tried to convince him with the Word of God to break the Word of God. And in 1G/2G we see that again. If someone argues that we have to practice charity because this is the highest commandment, then one could also respond, based on the second test of Jesus: But it is also written that we should love our brothers and sisters and that is hardly the case a service of love when we exclude them from our worship or even attack and distress them because of their faith. Excluding people is never a sign of love and communities in particular should stand for the opposite. That's why it's preached there again and again; because this is God's Word.
But how can it be that when we practice charity, we break the commandment to love our brothers and sisters, yes, even break the commandment to love God? How can it be that when we keep one commandment, we break another? Because it only appears that we are practicing charity with 1G/2G. But only if we look at it from an earthly perspective. If we were to do it right and really practice charity and do God's will, keeping this commandment would never lead to another commandment being broken. For God is omniscient and perfect. But because we do it wrong, we break the commandments. This also shows us clearly that we are doing something wrong. And when we look at it with the heavenly perspective, we also see that this is not God's will. The bad fruits make it very clear again that we are not doing God's will but are sowing and promoting separation/fears/worries instead of connection/fellowship/love, yes, even discord and destruction - spiritual death and not life. But if you consider this path to be right, do you then love God or rather the world? But if you love the world more than God, can you love your neighbor as yourself? That's the problem. And God puts it this way, referring to the letter from the church of Philadelphia: This man who does this has not kept my word, and has denied my name, and has not sanctified it. But I am holy, holy, holy; He still has to realize that by looking for me with all his heart!
That's why we also want to think about what we can do to encourage others to be more of a light during this time. So that there are many who are a living example of this lived light and faith for many, just as Jesus would be this lighthouse and also told us how we should be; because we are His body. Especially against the background of this very important time.
The Lichtklang praise project also serves to pass on Jesus' word. With Lichtklang, the focus is on praise, everything is framed by music, and God alone is at the center. So we want to look at our God in a lively way throughout the evening, hear from Him and tell about Him (give testimony), as well as worship Him and of course pray together, whatever He is currently putting into our spirit or ours hearts; To his honor!
Or is it perhaps not necessary to live? Is it enough if we simply don't break God's commandments (don't do 1G/2G on ourselves) and fulfill the minimum of our faith? But if we want to be a living example, we don't have to live it correctly ourselves first, and if we live it the way God taught it, then we are not the best example of it and the greatest light of hope; Aren't we only then convincing at all? Is it convincing if, for example, I talk about trusting in God or preach it, but cannot trust in God myself? Didn't Jesus always live out what he said and taught? But if I don't have trust in God, if I can't trust in God myself but trust in my solutions first, shouldn't I then pray above all that I can trust my glorious God more? As Martin Luther so aptly said:"Therefore I will hope in God, not rely on my own merits; let my heart rest on him and trust in his goodness."
But if I have faith in God and know that 1G/2G is absolutely the wrong way - because it is not God's will - then shouldn't I leave this vaccination route as quickly as possible and encourage others to do so by pointing to God? But how can we achieve this in love, if not first by living it out ourselves; To God's glory and to many as a witness!
But if I continue on the vaccination path, how am I going to convince others that they have to leave it? If I also continue on it. And if I think that I am still serving God by doing so, because otherwise I would no longer be able to travel to this or that country or go to this or that event in order to serve the Kingdom of God there too, then I am proving God wrong not a disservice? Am I really serving God's kingdom? Let's cut off the branch on which we ourselves are sitting and support a path that is clearly against God's will because it promotes a great tragedy and causes a lot of suffering and worry. Yes, then we must be all the more vigilant so that Satan cannot seduce and lure us with a lie that we like all too much but, upon closer inspection, goes against God's will instead of serving Him.
There are also always voices that claim that the corona vaccination is the “mark of the beast”. Which, as of today, it definitely is not and cannot be because we do not live in this time yet (see message and precise interpretation). God first had to explain to me exactly what He meant when He referred to it and why it was so important. So I spent a lot of time in prayer and with His Word. And the Spirit of God led me step by step, explained everything to me and showed me the truth behind Corona and the vaccination and what all of this is connected to. Because until I knew exactly what Jesus meant, I didn't want to talk to a leader about it. In order not to pass on anything false to you that would not have been a blessing to you and your community etc. Unfortunately, many believers pick up on certain terms far too easily and often treat them too carelessly, such as the said "mark of the beast", and on the other hand, we are often far too afraid when we hear about certain terms hear. In both cases, we too easily ignore our reason and give too much space to our emotions. Above all, we give our will too much space; instead of God's will. And since Satan likes to give everyone what they want to hear or what they are afraid of in order to influence them according to his will, he always has the perfect lie ready for everyone. And because we like it so much, we're going straight to it. For example, if someone really wants to be an "end-time prophet", they will of course be happy if they can announce the "mark of the beast"; a question of pride. And a lie that causes discord in the community instead of peace, that brings ambiguity instead of clarity, that brings separation instead of cohesion and community. And that makes it all the more difficult for people like me, who were given this clarity by Jesus' word at this time, to find open ears and hearts. Even if I have checked everything dozens of times, it still does today get confirmed again by God on my path, always pass on his word in love, have also clearly underlined it biblically, and everything so far has happened exactly as God had already prophesied back then and then passed it on and announced to me - Because people didn't want to listen to our warnings - even today people rarely listen to us. Oh Israel, what are you doing with those who were given to you as prophets to help you? a blessing to you (Luke 13:34)?
Therefore, just assume that the corona vaccination would be the “mark of the beast”. Wouldn't it then be important and therefore right, even necessary, to warn every believer against getting vaccinated? Who could seriously say anything other than: Of course it would then be necessary to warn against it! For this reason alone, God sends the third angel (Rev. 14), who should and will fulfill this task. It's so important to God because He doesn't want anyone to suffer and certainly no one who believes in Him should suffer; to the only true God, the God of Israel. But since, as I said, we don't live in this time yet and the corona vaccination cannot be the "mark of the beast", but "only" has a spiritual commonality and is connected to this later time in a different form is (see message), the most important thing is not to warn against the vaccination but rather to warn about where this path will lead. And to understand why this path has a dangerous similarity and connection with the "mark of the beast", and why we must still do everything we can to get away from this path as quickly as possible and to stop supporting it - in whatever form. Because that's why it's necessary now! And accordingly, to warn about this path - not about the vaccination but about the fruits of the vaccination - and to inform God's children, as well as those who want to become such, about it and, if necessary, to encourage them to repent or even to admonish them where this happens is lived differently and the commandments are trampled on; but always in love and therefore, above all, as a good role model.
For there is no righteousness by works, but there is a righteousness of works. Therefore we should not only be hearers but also doers of the word.
The message and everything related to it are like guard rails for your work; it is, so to speak, the foundation for your work in this special time. No matter what leadership position you hold, she will be an important advisor to you. So that your work can continue to serve the glory of God. That's why it's very beneficial if we pull together and not everyone just looks out for themselves. There are so many new communities, Christian organizations, companies, schools, daycare centers, events or projects etc. being created; Not to mention those that already exist. And God has placed them all in this time so that they can work for His glory right now and become a blessing to many. They don't want anything else. And the more we follow Jesus' word together and shine powerfully, the easier this time will be for everyone; the less, the heavier.
Our glorious God will also bless those places that serve to honor Him during this time and thus powerfully underline and testify to His word in a variety of ways. The communities etc. that do it right can grow it. But those who live against God's word will become ever more earthly and smaller. God will add fewer and fewer people there and many will leave. Satan is more likely to add there. For his church (the whore of Babylon) will also become a great church. And we recognize them by the seven heads, the seven blasphemous names, which are not only the names of great rulers but also names of seven sins - as God told me - and that includes pride. This sin is probably the hardest to recognize. But humility/grace – yes, reverence – is the will of God! Not to allow yourself to be exalted or adored. That is why an angel would always be against worship, or even any form of it, and would not allow anyone to kneel before him or call upon him. Just as the angel then also forbade the apostle John to do this and referred him solely to God. For he too is only a servant and kneels like everyone else, before the only one before whom one should kneel; before God!
The entire book of Revelation is a love letter to us. Because God wants to use them to warn us about this or that – just as he did before 1G/2G – because He loves us so much and wants to rapture us to heaven within this time. So that we can be spared the remaining time on earth in which Satan will establish his kingdom.
So listen to God's word. Because the time has come:
Fear God, give Him the honor He deserves, and worship Him who made the heavens, the earth, the sea, and the springs of water; for the time of His judgment has come!
This is my task and now yours too!
And that is why God is now testing every place that names Him as head of the house to see whether He is really the Lord/God there and whether His word is kept and His name is hallowed; for He is holy, holy, holy!
Welcome to Christians in Love; Let's tackle it together and be light; now!
Exam question and answer: God is protection
"Now I saw the Lamb opening one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures call out as with a voice of thunder, 'Come!' As I looked, I saw a white horse, and the rider sitting on it ) had a bow; a (victory) wreath was handed to him, and he then went from victory to victory." (Rev 6:1-2)
Especially when it comes to the corona vaccination, there is so much wrong - and above all unloving - in the communities than with any other topic at the moment. One congregation requires a new pastor or other new employees to be vaccinated. Yes, even make it a condition for employment. And the other community demands that when a vaccinated person is hired, he or she must repent, otherwise they cannot be hired. But both paths are loveless and therefore wrong. The second community is closer to the truth than the first but still acts unlovingly because we cannot impose our faith or what we believe on anyone. If someone is of the opinion that they need the corona vaccination as protection, then we must accept that and encourage them - with love - to leave this path again. Above all, by living it out ourselves and explaining how evil the fruit is and therefore it cannot be God's will. Because we also have a mind and everything should serve to honor God. But how could we live it correctly and leave love out of it? We cannot demand that anyone be vaccinated or, on the contrary, repent of it to get rid of it because you have done this or even try to force the person to do one or the other. That's not love. And that among siblings? But these two extremes not only show us how far the body of Jesus is drifting apart but also how much poison has already reached the communities through the issue and how great the ambiguity about Corona, and how to deal with it correctly. That's why we want to change that and bring light into the darkness here as well as clear the fog through clarity and explain the background to this important topic; just as God taught me and underlined by His written Word. And if you now think that, from an earthly perspective, it is understandable that people are demanding a vaccination, especially if the community has more older than younger members, then I would like to ask you to consider once again that we are not something Teach earthly things but rather tell and testify about heaven. That's why it's so important to have the heavenly perspective on it and it is clear. If we can't go down this path yet, it's something different and what we should pray for. Because what is crucial is that we know which path we should take. So that we can do God's will; and God is love.
For this reason, first of all, something important to reassure you. Because I'm often asked that too, or I come across this theory, and so I can and want to assure everyone that the corona vaccination isnot around "the mark of the beast"acts as the Bible already announces and warns against accepting. The corona vaccination cannot be "the mark of the beast" (as of today) because we are not yet living in that period of judgment. That one Section is the last time period of the three judgment phases (See also Revelation 3:10 and Message andinterpretation). This is very important to know and hold on to because we should not scare anyone and the fact that it could be, or even is, “the mark of the beast” scares and worries many believers. That's why this false focus doesn't lead us to the truth but keeps us away from it; because we look at the wrong things and what's more, it causes great discord in the communities. Because many people know very little about this sign, but it is generally known that this is the sign of Satan or the Antichrist/Instead of Christ and of course no believer wants to wear that. That's why it's so important to understand what kind of biblical, historical background the sign actually has and that it doesn't apply to our time.
The Bible is above all a spiritual book and therefore we must always understand and read it that way. The spiritual perspective is also the biblical, historical background and the correct focus on the sign(Exodus 13:9 + Exodus 13:16 +Deuteronomy 6:8). That's why it was so important for Jesus to include this in the message to me (seeMessage) to be named accordingly and that's why I always talk about the vaccination route and not about the vaccination. Because the vaccination route not only has a dangerous similarity with that time and this sign. Even those who will accept “the mark of the beast” are only showing who they truly are in their hearts. However, the sign is not what it is about, but rather it is expressed and even underlined that the wearer approves, or even finds it good and right, to keep the commandments of Satan and those of God to break. That's why the third angel basically calls out nothing other than: "Woe! you worship Satan, serve him and keep his commandments! Then you will..." (Revelation 14:9) Because accepting the "mark of the beast", and thus Satan's mark, is later one of his commandments in order to express who one worships and serves. And if you don't follow this commandment, you will be excluded from society (can neither buy nor sell; which, by the way, used to be a siege tactic used by the Israelites to force their enemies in the castle of Jerusalem to give up: 1 Mac 13:49) or is even killed for it (Revelation 13:15+17). So Satan later marks all his followers and everyone who follows him, for whatever reason, with his mark; which consists of his name. Because they too are defacto his followers. It doesn't make any difference if I say: "No, I'm not stealing!" and yet I steal. Because if I do that, I'm a thief. And it's even worse when I even know this and don't want to let go of it. It's that simple. God doesn't make lazy compromises but acts accordingly.
And as we know, Satan likes to copy a lot of what God does and tries to imitate Him. Of course, this is just about the principle. Because he turns the content into the opposite. But in principle he tries a lot to make himself equal to God and that probably also has the background because he wants to be equal to God, whoever he wants to make himself equal to God. Only by other means, because he does not have the possibilities of God; because he is not God. But because he knows that God's principle is the best, because it comes from God, he imitates it accordingly. And since God marks His people, with the Spirit of God/Holy Spirit in them - with an invisible seal, because God is Spirit - Satan also marks His people, with a visible seal. Because he too wants to be like God, to be worshiped and everyone should do his will. And only because those people (who bear the seal) approve or even find it good to do this and thus the commandments of love/ To trample on the commandments of God - which are no less than the commandments of life - and instead do Satan's will, will be rejected by God. But they are not cast out simply because they have accepted the mark of the beast and now have it on their bodies, but because they have accepted it for this reason: because they themselves are like that and, by accepting the mark, have also finally decided to want to stay that way and to worship Satan. For how could God (want to) live together with them if they find what He hates good because it does not arise from His holy nature and therefore not Corresponds to his holy nature. But it should also be mentioned that at that time there will also be many disciples of Jesus who will worship God, sanctify His name and keep His word (Revelation 14:12). And so everyone can make use of God's offer of grace right up to the last moment and decide completely for Jesus and thus for God. It is entirely up to them whether they want that and accept the corresponding inconveniences in this great distress. Many of them could have turned back to God before but didn't; E.g. today. And now unfortunately it is even harder for her to make this decision. But that's not unfair, it's love. Because it was their decision to take this path and now they can still choose the right path and go if they really want to. This is grace and God's offer of salvation. Because it is always our decision who we want to follow and serve. This is free will and this is love.
It's the same with 2G (and later 1G). Because here too, God's commandments are trampled on and this is the important, spiritual parallel to the "mark of the beast" and the great danger that is associated with it. That is why Jesus referred to this so clearly. Because it is absolutely out of the question for God if we follow it, yes, even support it - because He is love - and so we, as His holy people, must now learn quickly to get the corona vaccination again (Protectionvaccination) or to refrain from vaccinations in order to use this vaccination route, which will always be linked to 2G/1G (seeMessage), to be able to leave and serve God. Because otherwise we are not only contributing to God's commandments being broken on a large scale and thereby doing/promoting what God hates (I'll go into what that means in the communities in a moment), but we are also telling ourselves off the branch on which we ourselves sit. Because we want to welcome every person God sends to us, regardless of their vaccination status. Everything else no longer has much to do with a house of God (with God!). And when Satan is the master of the house, the house of God is only a facade; a terrible one at that, because it can easily lead many believers and seekers astray - the wolf in sheep's clothing. But God wants to help everyone and lead them close to His heart. Because He is the Good Shepherd. Satan, on the other hand, wants to lead many astray and he will use any means to achieve this.
For this reason, Corona is and remains the all-determining seal in this phase of judgment and is God's top priority. And that's why it's so important that we live it correctly and that everyone strives for it with all their might and lives it correctly, to encourage many. Especially those who are in a leadership position, and with that an all the greater role model, you must now live that with all your might. Or don't you want to be Israel's teacher? But if that's you, you have to live it and that's why it's an advantage to know all this; so that you can live it all the better and pass it on? You shouldn't feel like the great scholar Nicodemus did in conversation with Jesus when Jesus asked him how he couldn't know that and yet was the teacher of God's people. In other words, what Jesus taught him was so important that anyone who wanted to teach the people of God needed to know it; but Nicodemus did not know this (yet). And therefore Jesus gave it to me to bless you and through you to bless many; May everyone honor God!
Because those who are in a leadership position are always teachers of God's people - and the higher they are in this hierarchy, the more responsibility they have - but those who do 2G/1G are like robbers for God . But the community is not a den of thieves!"And he taught the people who were there, saying to them, 'Does it not say in the Holy Scripture, 'My house shall be known as a house of prayer for all nations?' But you have made it a den of thieves."" (Mark 11: 17 according to Basic Bible)
The basic Bible also writes about the robbers' cave: "Just as robbers are safe in their hiding place, so the Israelites believe they are safe in the temple, even if they do injustice like robbers." Source:https://www.die-bibel.de/bibeln/online-bibeln/lesen/BB/JER.7/Jeremia-7 (7.11)
Anyone who is not yet a Christian and in the time of 2G/1G does not recognize this approach as wrong, even though it breaks God's commandments, it causes great injustice and a lot of suffering, and does not want to turn back on this point or cannot, will not (yet) inherit eternal life and go to heaven. Because 2G/1G reaches to the very core of God's holy name. (See also Revelation 3:10 and context of the letter)
Because this is Satan's big secret behind 2G/1G: He steals the gospel on a large scale or makes it harmless to him! Because he also knows about the wisdom of God and that it is the will that counts for God - the will to follow/do and live God's will. But if you don't want to or can't do that, God can't (yet) have communion with that person and become God his lord, but Satan continues to be the lord of that person. Because we can only serve one side; either Satan or God; Both are not possible, because God doesn't make lazy compromises and Satan wants us to serve him. But God is holy (Lev 19:2 + Lev 20:26 as wellmany more) and therefore His children must also be holy and (want to) do works of love.
Because love is the light of life and God is the source of all life.
Therefore, please do not be afraid, but rather give your fears and worries to your glorious God, who is the source of all life! And believe that He not only protects you but also loves to do so. Trust completely in God and His great love for you! Because between us and God - my dear brothers and sisters - there is nothing more than love. Jesus made sure of this once and for all on the cross and cried out with His last breath."The bill is paid!". So everyone could hear it. Psalm 91 is given to you as a promise and placed close to your heart, because God is our protection but we should also believe it. Just like David back then. Because faith is so precious to God because it shows what we believe. Our image of God is reflected in what we believe. And everything with God should happen through faith, because God is spirit and this is the relationship He wants to have with us - a relationship of love; through the spirit. So let us trust in Him!
This is what God meant when He told and taught Paul that His power is made perfect in the weak, or as other translations say, that His power is made perfect in weakness. By this He meant all the fruits of love and trust is one of them. Then when we trust in God and not rely on ourselves - and our strength. At that moment we are weak, but because the power of God works in us all the stronger, we are strong as a bear or a lion; when we trust in God and He works!
Exam question and answer: God is the Prince of Peace
"When (the Lamb) then opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature cry, "Come!" Then another horse, a fiery red one, appeared; and the (rider) who sat on him was given (power), to take away peace from the earth and to slaughter one another; and a great sword was given to him." (Rev 6:3-4)
The fact that God is the Prince of Peace must always be our starting point, especially in conflicts. Because God is love. Therefore, we should do what we can to help accordingly. Creating peace with weapons is not our way but the way of the world. Therefore, this should not be an issue for us and in prayer we should neither ask for one side nor the other, or even hope, but rather that many come to faith and love can reign. Because that is what pleases God and therefore He also wants to see from us.
Small provocative question: Who does God love more, the Ukrainian president or the Russian one? And does He love the Pope more than both of them combined? My brothers and sisters, God loves His creatures - all and without exception (Jesus on the cross) as deeply and deeply as only a father can love his child - but He hates earthly works such as waging war and everything that contributes to it; because this is not a work of love.
What did Jesus do when He was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane, even knowing what they would do to Him afterward?
"When those around him saw what was about to happen, they said, 'Lord, shall we strike with the sword?' And one of them struck the high priest's servant and cut off his right ear. Then Jesus said,Let it go! Not further! And he touched his ear and healed him." (Luke 22:49-51)
Jesus not only said "Stop it!" but also healed the ear of His butcher and then sacrificed himself so that all this can finally come to an end - in love and through love; in God, through God and towards God!
Exam question and answer: God is the provider
"When (the Lamb) opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature cry, "Come!" Then a black horse appeared before my eyes, whose rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand; and I heard a voice in the midst said to the four living creatures: "One measure of wheat for a denarius and three measures of barley for a denarius! But you must not harm the oil and the wine!" (Rev 6:5-6)
God is the provider. For everything comes from Him alone; even the rain and water that make a bountiful harvest possible. But if someone has a lot of money at their disposal and can simply draw on it, they should be happy that God has intended so many good things for them. But unfortunately very few people know this and don't treat the money as if it came from God, but as if they only had to attribute it to themselves. But without God's favor, their lives (on this issue) would look completely different. If you are one of those “lucky people” and you think it is unfair because there are so many poorer people in the world than you, then just give away a lot of what you have. Maybe God gave you so much that you would share it generously with others. But we should be wise and never point the finger at God - because we will always lose - but rather we should realize that the ball is in our court and we should follow the path of love (t) en.
For "No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will adhere to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. Therefore I say to you, do not be anxious for your life what ye shall eat, and what ye shall drink, and for your body, what ye shall wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? Look to the birds of the air, that they neither sow nor reap still gather into barns, and your heavenly Father feeds them. Aren't you much more valuable than they? But who among you can add a cubit to the length of his life by worrying? And why are you worried about clothing? Look at the lilies of the field, how they grow; they do not strive, neither do they spin. But I say to you, that not even Solomon in all his glory was clothed like one of these. But if God sends the grass of the field that is up today and into the oven tomorrow is thrown, so clothe him, will he not do this much more to you, you of little faith? So do not be anxious, saying, What shall we eat? Or: What should we drink? Or: What should we wear? For after all these do the nations seek; for your heavenly Father knows that you have need of all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness. And all these things will be added to you. So don't worry about tomorrow! Because tomorrow will take care of itself. Every day has enough of its evil." (Matthew 6:24-34)
Let us trust in God and His great love for us!
(God)Father and (God)Son recognize what they are in truth and worship and honor them in this truth. (John 17:3)
Jesus himself taught, and later emphasized it again and again, not only through the apostle John, that there are two great truths about God: God is spirit and God is love! (John 4:24 + 1 John 4:8)
Nothing changed about that. Even today it is important to recognize that God is love. That we may sanctify His name and do its works. But if we know that God is love, we can trust Him just as unconditionally and we absolutely have to do that now. Because a relationship without trust, even a wedding without trust, is not a relationship of love. But we are the bride of Christ and God wants to have a love relationship with us. And how much He loves us, we can only see on the cross and His painful death for us when we were still enemies. But now He has reconciled us with Himself through His mortal body, with the greatest torment. Almost as if a mother gives birth to her child in great pain. And so we were born with even greater pain. But not to continue to be His enemies but rather His friends. Jesus gave His life with great suffering so that we could become His friends, and that is what we are now. Let us live it accordingly and trust Him, God (Father), who loves us so much that His Son died for us, and not just for us but also for every other person, to make him His friend too – yes, to make you a friend of God.
Love is the question and answer to this time and therefore also the red line that we, as God's children and witnesses, should not cross. Hence our name: Christians in love. Because there is no reason for God not to be in love. Especially not when the world is sinking into darkness. If God is not light, where can we find it? In the darkness, He is the place where we should see light and hope. In the dark night, God is the light. This applies not only to the first seal, but especially to the first. Because in the case of Corona, the hardest thing for most people to live is obviously what God himself is: love. This is understandable for the world, but tragically, it is obviously not easier for many churches and Christian organizations etc. to live and demonstrate this. They too can only do it in worldly terms and go hand in hand with the thinking of the world. And when the supermarket around the corner is open, but the church is closed everything is turned upside down. Or is physical well-being more important than spiritual well-being? This is the teaching of Satan (first test of Jesus in the desert) and far too many churches/communities have failed it; all over the world and in many denominations. Jesus is coming back but what will He find in His churches? Love is what gives us a clear view, especially when dealing with corona. Let us act in love, in unlimited love – just as love is and Jesus would therefore also act – let us act according to God's will. It's actually quite simple if we can trust in God. And if we are not yet able to do this as Jesus would have done, then we should strive with all our might to be able to do so. Because we are disciples/followers of Jesus – yes, even the body of Jesus and how could the body act differently than the spirit – and therefore 2G is not an option for God but an insult to His holy nature and a sign that we are not following God in this regard and should pray that we can follow Him in this respect too.
Love is the compass; because God is our compass. God's will is the lighthouse by which we must not only align ourselves, but which we should also be for others. So that all the more recognize that God is truly love. And we as a church/community must set an example accordingly (on 2G in detail, in the explanation of the 1st seal). Because 2G is really bad and especially in times when the world realizes how urgently it needs God and does not know Him now, we must make an even clearer distinction and live it differently/rightly. And thus also set an example for those who are not yet able to follow this path. Because we are not only allowed to know God but have also become His friends, we can trust in supernatural support; indeed, we should! Because God is for us and everyone should see how glorious He is and therefore also works through His people – because He is with them, because He is with us, my brothers and sisters! This difference should not only be seen through praise, preaching and prayer but also through many works in the world; of course always in love and that means taking everyone seriously in their fears, worries and needs, meeting them lovingly and taking them by the hand. But we should not impose our beliefs on others. That's why it's so important to set an example and to encourage and convince others by doing so. That our counterpart says: I want to be like that: so peaceful, so full of hope, so free of fear, so turned towards God and people; so full of love – and that in this time! Wouldn't that be a beautiful testimony and truly a glory to God and a blessing to many?
We are friends of the almighty Almighty! Please keep reminding yourselves of this. Let us bend our knees out of love, raise our heads to heaven and let us trust in our glorious God; who is nothing less than love and therefore wants to see nothing less from us!
For we are the light (love) and salt (purification) of the world – to the glory of God and a blessing to many!