You will be spiritually strengthened, worldly connected and learn important background information about the times in which we live. Many also wonder whether this is the time that can be read in Rev 13, in the section with the “Mark of the Beast”. That's why we expressly deny this at this point. Not only because it scares many people but above all because this false focus takes away the true view of events instead of giving it to us. God does not want us to live in fear and uncertainty but offers us clarity and security. But you should also know that our time is directly connected to that time (in Rev 13) and a great secret is revealed.
Our God has wonderful things planned. It is the finest hour of His children and their churches/communities; it's time to harvest big! And that's why Satan wants to prevent this at all costs and is trying today more than ever to confuse us, weaken us and throw clubs between our legs so that we stumble and fall away from the teachings of Jesus. But God is with us, so please don't be afraid! Experience and understand how important this time is, where the red line runs - which we should not cross - and why now more than ever we are called upon to fulfill Jesus' mission and shine the light of love together to carry the world; in love.
We are like stars in the night, illuminating the darkness. We are not only loved at all times, but we should also be lovers ourselves at all times and in every respect.“By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”, said Jesus and gave us a new commandment. (John 13:35) Yes, this is the finest hour of the children of God and their churches/communities; for the glory of God and the salvation of all people who seek Jesus or to whom He comes!
So Let us love right now like never before, dear brothers and sisters. Let us trust God and carry His abundant blessings from us into the world, exemplify the joy of our heavenly Father and reap, reap, reap; like Jesus and His first disciples, our brothers and sisters, back then!
This is the love of God, this is the love of brothers and sisters and this is how the world gets the right seasoning, the right taste - the taste of God when His true will becomes visible - and this serves its salvation and is true charity. If we Not only help people and be there for them but also help them to heal and find God. Because with Corona the end times have begun and we should now once again want to do what really helps people and fulfill our task and testify about God. That's why we have to be even stronger in our faith now so that we can be in this too Time - yes, especially in this time - being able to trust in God and do His will; out of love for our neighbors and therefore out of love for God.
For Jesus died painfully on the cross for every person; because He loves everyone and therefore wants to be saved! And that is also the so-called missionary command (from Matthew 28:19-20), which should be lived within the framework of the commandments and cannot be lived by breaking the commandments; because then how could they be taught correctly? Everything is inextricably linked.
Let us be in love, let us be the light in the darkness that illuminates the path and makes it visible to everyone.Let us shine like stars of heaven even in the darkest night.
Be light, not tomorrow but now!
It is with great concern that we see our community beginning to fall apart. That's why we want to advocate for cohesion in the churches/communities and the cohesion of the church and thus of Christians among themselves; strengthen the holy community and network with one another.
At the beginning of 2021, Jesus gave His communities a message that not only shows what time we are in but also what challenges we will have to overcome in the next few years and what we must definitely adhere to. Andreas, to whom the message was given and who founded this prayer network at the end of the same year, titled it with the words: A word of hope, a word of warning, a word of encouragement - a word of love . We want to share these prophetic words with everyone and exchange further biblically based insights. As well as creating space for all the questions that come with it: for exchange, for discussion, for encouragement and edification and, last but not least, for prayer; and everything supported by prayer - a space of hope and love, against all temptations.
But because it's not just about networking, mutual exchange and support and strengthening, in the secular sense, but also about spiritual support in the heavenly sense, we are a prayer network and not just a network . Unfortunately, we often forget how powerful our prayers can be and are when we pray according to God's will; We also want to remind you of that again and again. And just as Jesus did and prayed a lot, even declared this to be the basis for His success and taught accordingly, we too want to look to God in every respect and encourage ourselves and Jesus to do the same. Because God is our strength, the rock in whom we can and should trust - especially in difficult times. So we are not a pure prayer group that just prays, but a network; sustained by prayer. We also focus on prayer, but this is not our primary task. Rather, it is a gift to and for the entire Christian community (churches, organizations, events, etc.) in order to strengthen it according to God's will. If we know God's will, we can also pray according to this will and so our prayers then work according to our hearts; because Jesus wants to do it with us so that we can learn on the one hand and be spiritually strengthened and edified in the faith in every respect on the other hand. And we are always strengthened when we look to God. The prayers not only strengthen us, but they also support our task and path and also help us, even in this challenging time, the first and highest thing Commandment to always keep in mind and, above all, to keep in your heart; But more on that in a moment. Prayer is always a win-win-win situation, so to speak, because it is God's will that we do this and doing God's will is always a win; in every respect and also for everyone and everything. Unfortunately, we trust God far too rarely.
Especially for Germany and the German churches/communities, it is a special sign from God that the current annual motto also takes up part of the message that Jesus Andreas gave to His church/members in these times; as a help and example for the world. This also points to the path that has already found its place in other prophecies of our time: that Germany or the German churches/communities could or will play an important role in the near future; This should also be a word of God and it could certainly fit. As of today, unfortunately there is hardly any sign of it. But wouldn't that be wonderful? So let's just make it happen now! Because this deficiency is also clear from the current annual motto. Last year, this word of Jesus was no longer observed in far too many German churches/communities, even during church services - not to mention around the world - and yet hardly anyone was publicly outraged about it and stood by his side Lord. Most people simply accepted it in silence, shrugging their shoulders, and some even demanded it themselves, thus placing themselves above God's will; with reference to the worldly, special situation. But we also have to understand this and deal with it with love, my brothers and sisters. Because from now on, fear can turn everything that was so beautifully shiny into a colorless pile of rubble(Matthew 7:24-27). But only love can rebuild this house and return it to its former glory. And that is our task as well as to help ensure that other houses do not collapse in the first place but shine with the glory of God; for the salvation of everyone. So that many more can recognize the holy will of our glorious God and come to Him. And that's why He gave us this, after we didn't exactly cover ourselves with glory last year and contribute to the glory of God wonderful solution and homework along the way:
God reminds us again of His wonderful nature and powerful word, and wanting to live it like this is more important today than ever. But we also see that this is a great challenge for many and we are happy to be able to face it again and again, to testify to our glorious God and to be able to serve our brothers and sisters on this path. So that they may once again be edified in the faith; be it through a word of encouragement or admonition. But always as Paul and the first apostles taught: in love and towards love.
Sibling love and neighbor love are much more than just an expression of love between people. Sibling love relates directly to the highest commandment:“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind!” (Matthew 22:37) That's why it must remain anchored in the heart of the community. And Johannes puts it again very clearly: "Whoever does not love his brother whom he sees cannot love God whom he does not see. We have this commandment from him, that whoever loves God should also love his brother." (1 John 4:20-21) If we do not love God with all our hearts, we cannot love ourselves, our neighbors, or our brothers and sisters. Love for God is the basis for being able to love other people. Only when we live in relationship with God, experience His love and walk with Him can we love other people and our brothers and sisters with all our hearts. Because God's nature is the overcoming of every separation!
If an action excludes people or puts them in danger, it does not correspond to love and therefore the teaching of Jesus and it should be rejected (Wearing a mask etc. and doing a simple test is not included in these times because it is important for many and we should not show fear but rather love for people; but of course this accommodation must also have its limits . This is achieved, for example, if we would have to put ourselves in danger and would therefore put ourselves in danger; for we should not tempt God either).. Jesus did not exclude anyone but even went to lepers, touched them or was touched by them, and with sinners - as we once were, dear brothers and sisters - he ate together and even for us overcome death. That's why we shouldn't contribute to people being excluded and even excluding people must remain a no-go for us. If we rely on Christ, then we must also want to be more and more like Jesus was when He walked on earth and is therefore God. Because who"Whoever keeps his word, in him the love of God is truly complete. By this we know that we are in him. Whoever says that he abides in him (Jesus) should live as he lived." (1 John 2:5-6) Or aren't we God's living temple; Consecrated to his honor, praise and thanksgiving? But God does not exclude but includes, into the fire of His love. That's love - love burns - and without God it is only possible to a limited extent; without Jesus we can do nothing. His perfect love transcends all boundaries.
Yes, with God there is salvation or salvation and not disaster or danger but salvation from danger. Love and salvation given through faith. It is the time of grace, the overcoming of every separation; through love! That's why we don't need to be afraid, but on the contrary, right now we should once again rejoice in our glorious God, who loves us so much loves that He sets the table richly for us even in the face of our enemies and pours out for us fully (Psalm 23 and 2 Corinthians 1:9). What a gift and privilege not to have to be afraid at all during this time, we share it with everyone else; as a witness of grace, also to them of hope and salvation - we testify from heaven and not from earth! Let us celebrate worship, not in spite of the high numbers but because of the high numbers and that we, who are allowed to call ourselves children of the living God, can believe completely secure and safe in His love, yes we should believe that and so we are! ;Our community should also be a living witness to this. We are a holy community, an image of the heavenly ones here on earth; the temple of God - so who if not us?
It may be more of a challenge for some, but if we leave this path, we leave the gospel; but there is only one gospel. So let's walk this path together and be happy that God is at our side.
That's why we founded the prayer network Christians in love
We are non-denominational and would be happy if you too would be a part of it; Jesus needs each of His members in the end times:
Simplyregister, read Jesus' message for this time, talk to other brothers and sisters and get to know each other. Praying for one another, strengthening and supporting one another; build up in faith.
Do you have any questions, suggestions or would you like to get in touch with us?
Just write to us what’s on your mind: